13 essential Tips every newbie Writer Needs to adopt

Last Updated Sep 2, 2024

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Writing materials: Pencil and paper.

Following the right practices can help you sharpen your writing skills and enable you to become an established writer faster. Keep reading to find fourteen actionable tips that will help you overcome fear and achieve your writing goals. 

1. Rely on Professionals

Contrary to what many newbie writers think, you don’t necessarily need to do everything from writing and publishing alone. 

It’s better to list down the number of tasks you can outsource to save time. For example, you can hire a book cover design expert instead of designing the cover yourself to save time and get a book cover that persuades people to buy your book. 

Online portals can help you with hiring professionals who can help you on your writing journey. Explore the services, fees, and reviews of writing professionals to hire the ones you find most relevant. 

2. Develop Your Writing Routine

It won’t be easy for you to achieve your writing goals if you are not consistent with your routine. Instead of writing ten pages in one day and not writing for the next ten days, you should develop the skill of writing regularly. 

Analyze your daily routine to allocate some time for writing. Try maintaining a work-life balance so you don’t compromise on other activities to achieve your writing goals. 

3. Explore Different Genres

Choosing a specific genre as a writer can help you achieve your writing goals faster. However, sticking to one genre as a writer doesn’t mean you should turn a blind eye to other genres. You need to explore all genres of writing to boost your writing skills. 

A great way of diving into other genres is by asking for suggestions from your friends. Reach out to people in your close circle to get suggestions on which genres you should explore. 

4. Avoid Being a Perfectionist

Being harsh on yourself as a writer and trying to perfect your tone, word choices, and delivery will only make things difficult. When starting out, you don’t need to be picky about your writing. What you need instead is allowing yourself to write the way you want. 

Make sure you write down your thoughts on paper instead of filtering them. Remember that you can always edit and improve your work, so let your creativity ignite and write what comes to your mind!

5. Join a Writing Class

If you don’t trust your writing skills, you won’t be able to achieve your writing goals. The fastest way you can sharpen your writing skills is by enrolling in a writing class. Following the instructions of a mentor and competing with fellow writers can encourage you to improve your writing in a short time. 

You don’t necessarily need to join an in-person writing class if you have a tough schedule. Consider taking an online writing course so you can improve your writing without disturbing your routine. 

6. Participate in Writing Competitions

A great way you can sharpen your writing skills is by participating in writing competitions. By participating in a contest, you will get the chance to test your writing prowess and allow you to write better and faster. 

You can visit your local library and community center to find out if there are active writing competitions in your area. Besides that, you can also explore online writing groups to find online writing competitions. 

7. Grow Your Professional Network

Networking is the most important thing that can help you build your relations with other writers and make it easier for you to get actionable writing advice. 

Contrary to what many people think, you don’t need to invest hours and hours in networking activities to grow your network. All you need to do is allocate some time from your routine and spend it on building your network. 

Make sure you explore all the networking events for writers held in your area. If you cannot join in-person networking events, you should consider joining online groups to grow your network in a short time. 

8. Get Rid of Distractions

Being distracted all the time will never allow you to focus on your writing. You have to strengthen your willpower to ensure that you can concentrate on your work. 

To get started, you should consider writing in a quiet place where noise cannot disturb you. Put your phone to Airplane Mode to block all unnecessary notifications. Start doing meditation, as it will help you boost your concentration and also strengthen your body. 

9. Read More Books

You will have to spend more time reading to ensure that you can adopt the best practices of skilled writers and implement them in your writing. 

You don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of money on buying books. If you are on a tight budget, you can consider borrowing books from physical and online libraries. Ask people in your close circle if they can lend you their books. 

10. Use Reliable Writing Tools

It won’t be easy for you to write better and faster if you do all the work alone. To save time and effort, you can consider using writing tools. The good thing about writing tools is that they can boost your productivity without compromising the quality of your work. 

Some of the best tools for writers are:

  • Hemingway Editor
  • Todoist
  • LibreOffice
  • Mellel
  • Evernote

11. Take Care of Your Health

Writing all the time can also take a toll on your body. Instead of being harsh on yourself, you should consider taking care of your health so you don’t have to spend months in a healthcare facility. Get adequate sleep and improve your diet so you can enjoy good health. 

12. Pursue Creative Hobbies

A great way you can boost your creativity is by spending time on creative hobbies. For example, painting is a great hobby that can help you express your thoughts on a blank canvas. Some of the best creative hobbies include:

  • Dancing
  • Painting
  • Pottery
  • Photography
  • Drawing

13. Don’t Give Up Easily

Learning how to write better is going to take some time. You won’t be able to wake up one day with amazing writing skills. Instead of rushing through the process, make sure you take your time and learn things little by little.